Claire Berns
She was born in Luxembourg in 1994, she is a Luxembourg citizen.
She is fluent in Luxembourgish, French, German and English.
She completed her first two years of university at the University of Aix-en-Provence, then continued her third year at the University of Hamburg where she obtained her Bachelor of Law degree.
She continued her studies at the Catholic University of Lille and obtained her Master 1 in "Private Law and Criminal Sciences".
After obtaining her Master's degree, she completed her studies at the University of Strasbourg where she did her Master's degree in "Domestic, International and Comparative Family Law".
After passing the complementary courses in Luxembourg law, she was sworn in in May 2021 and joined the firm DKDB in June of the same year.
She is interested in family law and deals in particular with divorce, parental authority, visiting rights and alimony.
Other areas of interest are civil law, civil liability law and criminal law.
Her interest in children's rights was aroused by her internships at the ORK (Ombudscomité fir d'Rechter vum Kand, now OKAJU), the Luxembourg Public Prosecutor's Office and in various youth homes between her law degree and Master I.